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Lindgren, KO., Oskarsson, S., Dawes, C. (2017) 

"Can Political Inequalities Be Educated Away? Evidence from a Large-scale Reform." American Journal of Political Science, 61(1): 222-236.

Dinesen, P., Dawes, C., Johannesson, M., Klemmensen, R., Magnusson, P. et al. (2016)

"Estimating the Impact of Education on Political Participation: Evidence from Monozygotic Twins in the United States, Denmark and Sweden." Political Behavior, 38(3): 579-601.

Okbay, A., Beauchamp, J., Fontana, M., Lee, J., Pers, T. et al. (2016)

"Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 74 Loci Associated with Educational Attainment." Nature, 533(7604): 539-542.

Oskarsson, S., Widmalm, S. (2016)

"Personality and Political Tolerance: Evidence from India and Pakistan." Political Studies, 64(1): 235-254.

Persson, M., Lindgren, K., Oskarsson, S. (2016)

"How does Education Affect Adolescents' Political Development?" Economics of Education Review, 53: 182-193.

Oskarsson, S., Cesarini, D., Dawes, C., Fowler, J., Johannesson, M. et al. (2015)

"Linking Genes and Political Orientations: Testing the Cognitive Ability as Mediator Hypothesis." Political Psychology, 36(6): 649-665.

Dancygier, R., Lindgren, KO., Oskarsson, S., Vernby, K. (2015)

"Why Are Immigrants Underrepresented in Politics? Evidence from Sweden." American Political Science Review, 109(4): 703-724.

Oskarsson, S., Dawes, C., Lindgren KO. (Forthcoming) 

"It Runs in the Family. A Study of Political Candidacy among Swedish Adoptees." Political Behavior.

Turley, P., Walters, K., Maghzian, O., Okbay, A., Lee, J. et al.  (Forthcoming) 

"MTAG: Multi-Trait Analysis of GWAS." Nature Genetics.

Oskarsson, S., Dinesen, P., Dawes, C., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, P.  (2017) 

"Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design." Political Psychology, 38(3): 515-531.

Rietveld, C., Conley, D., Eriksson, N., Esko, T., Medland, S., Vinkhuyzen, A. et al. (2014)

"Replicability and Robustness of Genome-Wide-Association Studies for Behavioral Traits." Psychological Science, 25(11): 1975-1986.

Dawes, C., Cesarini, D., Fowler, J., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, P., Oskarsson, S. (2014)

"The Relationship Between Genes, Psychological Traits, and Political Participation." American Journal of Political Science, 58(4): 888-903.

Hatemi, P., Dawes, C., Medland, S., Klemmensen, R., Eaves, L., Martin, N. et al. (2014)

"Genetic Influences on Political Ideologies: Genome-Wide Findings on Three Populations, and a Mega-Twin Analysis of 19 Measures of Political Ideologies from Five Western Democracies." Behavior Genetics, 44(3): 282-294.

Cesarini, D., Johannesson, M., Oskarsson, S. (2014)

"Pre-Birth Factors, Post-Birth Factors, and Voting: Evidence from Swedish Adoption Data." American Political Science Review, 108(1): 71-87.

Widmalm, S., Oskarsson, S. (2013)

"Political Tolerance in India – Descriptions and Explanations from the Heartland." Asian Survey, 53(3): 533-558.

Oskarsson, S., Dawes, C., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, P. (2012)

"The Genetic Origins of the Relationship between Psychological Traits and Social Trust." Twin Research and Human Genetics, 15(3): 21-33.

Öberg, PO., Oskarsson, S., Svensson, T. (2011)

"Similarity versus Homogeneity: Contextual Effects in Explaining Trust." European Political Science Review, 3(3): 345-369.

Oskarsson, S. (2010)

"Generalized Trust and Political Support: A Cross-National Investigation." Acta Politica, 45(4): 423-443.

Oskarsson, S., Ottosen, E. (2010)

"Does Oil Still Hinder Democracy?" Journal of Development Studies, 46(6): 1067-1083.

Öberg, PO., Oskarsson, S., Svensson, T. (2009)

"Making Capitalism Work: Fair Institutions and Trust." Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30(2): 294-320.

Oskarsson, S., Öberg, PO., Svensson, T. (2009)

"Power, Trust, and Institutional Constraints: Individual Level Evidence." Rationality & Society, 21(2): 171-195.

Arai, K., Oskarsson, S., Öberg, PO., Svensson, T., Yamauchi I., Hirano, S. (2005)

"The Structure and Determinants of Trust: The Cases of Japan and Sweden." Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 46(2): 183-204.

Oskarsson, S. (2003)

"Institutional Explanations of Union Strength: An Assessment." Politics & Society, 31(4): 609-635.

Turley, P., Walters, K., Maghzian, O., Okbay, A., Lee, J. et al.  (Forthcoming) 

"MTAG: Multi-Trait Analysis of GWAS." Nature Genetics.

Lee, J., Wedow, R., Okbay, A., Okbay, A., Kong, E. et al.  (Forthcoming) 

"Gene Discovery and Polygenic Prediction from a 1.1-Million-Person GWAS of Educational Attainment." Nature Genetics.

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